You have probably already heard about the stock market, for most people it is a very difficult structure to understand. You may then be led to ask yourself certain questions: what is it all about? How does it work? In order to answer all these questions, this article will try to take a detailed approach to stock market Europe, in order to better understand it and to be able to take advantage of what it can offer you, including all the financing opportunities that will support your portfolio as an investor.

What is the stock market?

Generally speaking, the word "stock exchange" determines a financial platform for trading shares, commodities and other financial instruments. Originally, the term stock exchange is associated with a personality from the Belgian bourgeoisie Van den Burse, originally from Bruges. It is a place, or more precisely the house of Burse, where traders interested in the exchange of commodities and other investments met to discuss transactions. Over time, the term stock exchange has largely evolved into a virtual trading place where buyers and sellers of marketable securities, commodities and currencies meet. Traders are now more organized and the trading process more codified through a central computer.

How Europe's stock market works

Like the entire market, stock market Europe is defined by the law of supply and demand. There are sellers, a person or entity that sells a security because it anticipates a drop in price, and buyers who buy a share or other assets on the stock exchange in the hope of selling it at the best price later. Exchanges are mainly of shares (ownership interests) and/or debt securities or bonds. Investing in the stock market is not simply a matter of buying or selling a share. Far from it. It requires careful thought.

The principle of a European stock market

You should be aware that stock prices change frequently as the markets evolve. It is a risky investment because what is anticipated does not necessarily go as planned. Thus, the basic rule to remember is the availability of the sum. It is essential that the stock market is a sum of money that you will not need in the near future. Otherwise, you risk selling your share at the wrong time.